Chapter 2


West Bengal is considered to be one of the country’s most fertile states, a highly arable region created by millions of years of silt deposited by powerful river systems.Unsurprisingly, the state is the top producer of rice, vegetables and jute in the country, and is second, after Uttar Pradesh, in the production of potatoes. The climate and soil of the region make it ideal for the cultivation of rice. Monsoon rains impact the agricultural economy of the region favourably. Paddy, with its high requirement of water, is benefitted by the generous rainfall the region receives. While folk knowledge regarding paddy farming has always put the region ahead of others, in more recent times, scholarship and organised governmental help in procuring high-yielding grains and intensive farming techniques has aided such production even more. The state’s significant growth in the production of food grains was recognized by the Government of India through the “Krishi Karman” award thrice in a row in 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14.


What are the stages of rice cultivation?

Each page has exquisite photographs from around West Bengal, as well as illustrated infographics representing the processes of rice cultivation. A similar book, probably, has never been produced. A sample of the book’s graphics below.

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